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Thank You To The Caregivers On Mother’s Day

Racine, WI Mothers are often caretakers too.

We would like to wish all the mothers out there a very happy Mother’s Day. In this blog however we specifically we would like to take time to appreciate all the mothers out there who not only care for their young children, but those who have transitioned into a caregiver role for their elderly loved ones suffering from debilitating illnesses like Alzheimer’s.

“Women are at the epicenter of the Alzheimer’s crisis. That’s why we must be at the heart of the solution.”

Maria Shriver, WAM Founder and Cleveland Clinic Strategic Partner for Women’s Health and Alzheimer’s

A study by Maria Shriver founder of The Women’s Alzheimer’s Movement found that three out of five people who take on the enormous task of caring for a loved one who has Alzheimer’s disease are women. And, almost a third of the women who were surveyed reported that they are the primary caregivers for both their children and their elderly parents.

Below we have some great ideas for showing these tireless and loving people how special they are, including:

The Wisconsin Department of Health Services and the Wisconsin’s Family Caregiver website also offers some great resources to support caregivers. including virtual support groups, tips, and guides for caregivers by caregivers and much more.

If you are acting as the primary caregiver for a loved one suffering from Alzheimer’s or dementia, you don’t have to go it alone. Connecting with resources in the community, including elder law attorneys, can help ease your burden and offer you the comfort of knowing your loved one is receiving the care they need. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or considering what options your family might have, call our office to discuss how we can help.

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